It never ceases to amaze me the arugumenst that are put up in support of smoking- I have an 86 year aunt that chain smokes , and she justifies smoking by saying it never did her any harm- I have given up arguing now, because she has a point but it will get her in the end! Her mother died at the age of 92,
There is no doubt that smoking will kill you and it has a massive drain on the NHS , either booozing or smoking account for most illness in local hospitals, and if folk wont take responsibility for themselves then unfortunaly I am in favour or governement intervention, in the strongest way.
I just dont understand why kids statrt in the first place- I used to drop my son off at school and was horrified at the number of school kids were standing in the surrounding streets smoking.
Is it beyond common sense for the parents to know if there children are smoking, you can smell it for one, and if you dont stop them you are effectively helping them ultimatly to die young(er)
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