I for one have now used my last carrier bag and find it unbelievable that the sales staff still offer a carrier bag for one or two items when there has been so much press about their use!
Is it not possible to invent something else that is cheaper more sustainable that a carrier bag??
And what is more unbelievale is online shopping which may be more sustainable that traveling to a supermarket , but they still hand out carrier bags with the food that is then put into portable boxes?
I know Tesco et Al are clever so come on come up with something better! It will be more economic in the long term and it may just help the planet.
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The truth is that carrier bags,although not ideal, are the best solution we have.
Many people think that paper bags would be better, but this is a misconception, as paper bags do far more damage to the environment,due to the amount of energy used to produce them,and the extra tansport costs due to wieght volume etc.
Also carrier bags have more potential to be re-used.
We should all take more responsibility for our waste,re-use bags,use fewer,and don't forget plastic carrier bags can be re-cycled far more efficiently than paper ones.
Have you also not considered that many people use carrier bags as bin bags. They get used again, instead of buying bin bags. You cant put rubbish straight into the big because it'll turn to mush, and stick tot he bottom after 2 weeks left to fester, and bin men seem to do their utmost to give a reason (excuse) not to empty a bin.
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