Red Ken is introducing further taxes on Gas-guzzling vehicles such as 4x4 'Chelsea tractors' will have to pay a daily charge of £25 to enter London's congestion charge zone from October this year, Ken Livingstone has announced
The existing congestion charge has been an enormous success in london and plans are being introduced to have a charge in Manchester and Durham ?
I am in full agreement with the charge and hope that soon it will be introduced across the whole country for towns and city centres.
No chance in Crewe. Roads are bad enough as it is without having to pay for it. I wouldn't pay it. I'd stop going into Crewe.
They need to start with more yellow lines. I wouldnt pay a fee eiter.
Me too, Charging to travel into a SMALL town centre such as Crewe will kill it,it's nearly dead anyway.
This kind of thing works fine in the bis cities,but not here. People will just go elsewhere,or use the 'net.
The town will be left to the Chav's and Goth's to fight over.
The new town centre project wouldn't stand a chance.
Sorry but how exactly do you come tot he conclusion thats its been a 'huge success' in London? Its still very congested and you still average around 10mph on a journey.
All its done has increased sales of 'Hybrid' cars, which aren't actually as efficient as modern diesels, or new small petrol engines, and lined the council/governments pockets. Again.
The congestion in Crewe is caused by two reasons. Having too few bridges over/under the railway lines, and badley laid out junctions, and badley laid out and timed traffic light systems.
I will post the "facts" why i think the congestion charge has been succesfull. It has reduced the number of journeys and at the same time raised revenue- some facts to follow!
but it will only be a matter of time before every town gets a charge unless of course we alter the way we travel, and for that very reason alone crewe will be best placed to be one step ahead with the railway infrastructure
Reduced journeys perhaps - but not nearly enough surely. Its still gridlock!! Don't listen to government or Eco group spin, use your eyes.
As for raising revenue - how is that helping he environment? Or is the £100 billion pure profit the government make on road tax not enough? (~£120b raised in Road Tax, ~£20bm spent PA on roads)
Success?! Not driven round London lately then have we? It's a bloody nightmare!!
you are right not nearly enough- but its a start- I dont listen to eco groups and that is why i started this blog- all original thought!
The revenue from the charge needs to put back into public transport reduced fares etc and if you look above we need a some comprehensive solutions not just quick fix
Ian- yes i have driven around london on a regular basis and its a nightmare, but i have also driven around london 20 years ago and it was a nightmare then-driving around in my view has actaully got better in the last 20 years! or sine the CC
and it is that sort of comment that shows something needs to be done ! It is a nightmare and if no intervention then it will only get worse
Travelling around London can be a nightmare whether you use car, bike, tube or bus. If you don't want to pay the congestion charge you can instead "enjoy" the delights of an over-crowded public transport system or dice with death dodging the traffic on your pushbike or moped. I'm glad I don't live there any more. Anyway, using the congestion charge to improve public transport is a good idea, but you'd probably need a billion Chelsea tractors driving up to London every year to
provide sufficent funding to the improvements...
Are we talking about Crewe or London here?
Two very different places,with very different problems, I think you'll agree.
Congestion in the town is mainly due to it being hemmed in by an archaic and inefficient rail network.
Theye are two very different places so is manchester but in their wisdom a CC is on the cards in manchester- so it is only a matter of time until all towns and cites get some form of CC
At the same time we need to improve the public transport system and everybody needs to help. with car sharing train/ bus journeys
Yes we are hemmed in by an victorian railway system but the old lines could have been put into some use for a LRT! It will be a godsend if Network rail put a rail stop in the town centre.
Count how many people are on the next bus you see,and you'll notice that few people use this form of transport, for a reason,they stink and they don't go when /where they are needed,and like rail are too expensive.They don't work in a town like Crewe.Maybe in 20,30 years,when the town will probably be a lot bigger, but if a cc was introduced now,it would be a huge mistake,and I don't believe it will ever happen.
The true revolution will happen when cars become more computer controlled,and integrated into the transport network.
You will never shoe horn people out of thier cars with charges, so we need to find a way to manage them better,not bash them with charges.
As for emmisions this problem will be solved within the next decade,I believe.
i agree we have a second rate bus service with massive fares- this needs to be addressed- we need na intergrated public public transport system that works to get people of their cars
Cleaner cheaper and safer public transport- and some carefully thought out policys
Charges are a start if they use the revenue for the transport system
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