Sunday, 10 February 2008

Recycling and cutting waste

Lesson 4 - Recycling and cutting waste
Reducing, reusing and recycling waste saves on the raw materials and energy which are needed to make new paper, metal, glass and other items. Saving energy helps tackle climate change.
Re-use and repairAvoiding waste in the first place, by re-using and repairing items, is the most efficient way to reduce waste. For example, buy items that can be re-used rather than disposables, and pass things on when you’ve finished with them.
Recycle moreNearly two thirds of all household rubbish can be recycled. Most councils run doorstep recycling collections for paper, glass and plastics, often more. But local civic amenity sites often accept many other things – from wood and shoes, to textiles and TVs.
Get compostingComposting food waste reduces climate change effects. Many local councils offer subsidised compost bins or home collection for kitchen and garden waste.

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